Deficiency Of This Common Nutrient May Increase Your Dementia Risk

It’s become clear in the past few years that nearly every aspect of our lifestyle could influence our…

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Does The Placenta Have Its Own Microbiome?

There’s a debate going on in the world of microbiome research, and it all has to do with…

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The Red Wine Ingredient That Might Protect Against Depression

Red wine lovers, rejoice: Savoring that palliative glass after a stressful day might be doing a bit more…

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Attaining A Healthy Weight Before This Age Could Help Prevent Alzheimer’s

At this point, you probably know that carrying excess weight on your body—particularly extra body fat around your…

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What Every Thyroid Patient Needs To Know About Sleep

According to the American Thyroid Association, about 20 million Americans currently have some form of thyroid disease. This small…

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7 Ways To Deal With Anxiety During Pregnancy

Elizabeth Stone once said, “Making the decision to have a child—it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside…

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Why Pooping Daily Is Important For Women’s Hormonal Balance

If you really think about it, one of the best indicators of how happy and healthy you feel…

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Why You Could Be Finding It Hard Ignoring Cravings

Have you ever wondered why it’s easy to say no to unhealthy food or behaviors in one moment…

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5 Great Ways To Avoid Acne Outbreaks After Going Off Birth Control

For many women, going off the pill can create fear and confusion. Problems like hormonal irregularities, migraines, problem periods,…

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Remedies For Your Most Common Summer Health Woes

Summer is officially here, along with plenty of fun outdoor activities: hikes, camping, beach trips, pool days. But summer…

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